
बिहार सरकार

Urban Development and Housing Department

Government Of Bihar
About us

Our Vision

To achieve a coherent, homogeneous, comprehensive, faster and sustainable growth in Bihar by ensuring planned and all-inclusive development of cities/towns into livable, economically vibrant and productive, sustainable and efficient entities with provision of adequate and durable public infrastructure and amenities including affordable housing and livelihood opportunities for all sections of society and bringing out efficiency in the service delivery mechanisms, community participation and accountability of Urban Local Bodies and parastatal agencies towards citizens, in convergent manner.

About us

Our Mission

The Urban Development & Housing Department is the nodal Department for ensuring appropriate and planned growth of cities and towns with adequate infrastructure, amenities and services provided to the citizens of Bihar through the Urban Local Bodies and parastatal agencies. The Department has been instrumental in carrying out various concrete measures for efficient management & delivery of civic services like provision of affordable housing, safe drinking water, sanitation including solid waste management, storm water drainage, sewerage, roads, public transport; and creation of livelihood opportunities by accelerating economic growth of cities/towns and building capacity of the urban poor. The Housing